Friday, July 24, 2009

Peachy Dreams.

I have very strange, vivid dreams. Upon waking, I usually pick out a few of the items I believe could mean something, and look them up on

It's absolutely uncanny how what I dream usually reflects what's going on in my life. And I don't mean, like, you know, in literal terms. It's not like I eat a peach and then dream that I'm eating a peach later that night. Too obvious. It's more like, I eat a peach and dream about riding a white unicorn, which, apparently, according to some dream dictionary, means that I believe my peach was delicious and that I should seriously consider eating another peach in the future. (Dreaming about riding a white unicorn, in actuality, has nothing to do with peaches. As far as I know).

So are these dream symbols matching up with my life by coincidence? Or does my subconscious mind, only able to think freely when I am in the deepest stages of sleep, actually tell me things about my daily life and seek to lead me down the right path?

That's actually kind of creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Dreams are an amazing thing, and I usually find that they usually, in some shape or form, coincide with my life. But I guess everyone is different.
